Curbside Recycling Available in: Bixby, Catoosa, Claremore, Collinsville, Glenpool, Jenks, Owasso, Verdigris

Tour Signup

We would love to show you our facility! Please fill out this form, and we will contact you shortly.

Before submitting, check tour blackout dates and times below or to the right of this form. 

Request a Tour

Tour Information

Please check blackout dates and times above. No tours after 2:30 PM.
The total number of attendees can't exceed 20 (adults & students).
The total number of attendees can't exceed 20 (adults & students).
Before submitting, check tour blackout dates, times and grade level guidelines on this page.

Tour Guidelines:

  • The total number of attendees can’t exceed 20 (adults & students).
  • Students must be 1st Grade and up to attend tours. 
  • Please review blackout days and times. 

Blackout Days:

Saturday & Sunday

Blackout Times:

7:00-8:59am M-F
11:00-11:45am M-F
2:00-2:15pm M-F
After 2:30pm M-F

Weekday Tour Times:

9:00-10:30 am M-F
12:00 – 2:30 pm M-F